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64+ Pyracantha Winter

Pyracantha pruning winter care and fertilizing. This shrub exhibits shiny dark green leaves delicate white flowers in the spring and vivid orange red berries that ripen in late summer and persist through winter adding a blaze of color to wintry landscapes.

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Even the most novice gardener can handle the simple care of firethorn bush. Dislodge old withered or rotted berries with a jet of water or an old broom. Use as a hedge screen or windbreak. The bright orange or red berries on the large pyracantha pyracantha spp make the shrub a magnet for birds and other wildlife in winter when food is scarce. Depending on selection berries color up from late summer to mid autumn.

Some types hang on until late winter when they are cleared out by birds storms or decay. It is the firethorn s autumnal bright orange berries persisting into winter that first caused me to choose to plant it in my own garden and now the winter visits of birds in my window are what i most enjoy. Pruning can be done during almost any season but winter or early spring pruning is recommended. Birds love the berries of the pyracanthaâ and take shelter from wintry blasts all through the long cold season of ohio. Annual fertilization when new growth begins in late winter can help boost the growth of your pyracantha shrub.

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