64+ English Boxwood Types Of Boxwood Shrubs
The plant grows best in average medium moisture with well drained and slightly acidic soil and partial to full sun shade. European boxwood vs japanese boxwood english boxwood.
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Hybrid boxwoods are divided into several boxwood varieties. Also called tree boxwood the classic hedge plant represents the model boxwood. With fine textured foliage and tiny leaves it matures to 6 feet tall with a lower spread of 3 to 4 feet and a gently pointed crown. English boxwood and american boxwood are the two classic types that grow into manageable but showy hedges. English boxwood shrubs have long been symbols of upscale properties.I put together a sheet for you on boxwood varieties characteristics. It is hardy down to zone 6 and a slow grower to a mature height of four feet. The boxes are native to western and southern europe southwest southern and eastern asia africa madagascar northernmost south america central america mexico and the caribbean with the majority of species being. Unfortunately many kinds of boxwoods are susceptible to an incurable fungal disease called boxwood blight. Buxus is a genus of about 70 species in the family buxaceae common names include box majority of english speaking countries citation needed or boxwood north america.
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